Thoughts on the new PKU Easy supplements

My dietitian and I were recently having a catch up over the phone and she mentioned to me a new supplement by a Scandinavian company – PKU Easy. Although I am the happiest I’ve ever been with my supplement right now (I take Cambrooke’s Bettermilk twice a day), I thought I would give this new supplement a go because, well, why not?

In all honesty, I didn’t have high hopes for the PKU Easy supplements because before trying them I discovered that they are actually amino acid based drinks, which essentially means they will taste more like a medicine, not always the most pleasant taste. Although I say this, my previous supplement the Cooler was in fact an amino acid based drink and I managed to adjust to that over the years. So, with this in mind I gave it a shot anyway.

However, unfortunately I wasn’t too pleased. In fact I couldn’t even manage to finish the first drink because it tasted pretty awful. As I had predicted, it tasted (and smelt) far too much like a medicine for me. After taking Bettermilk for over a year though I don’t think there was ever much chance of me liking it. For those who don’t already know, Bettermilk is a non- amino acid based drink which is why I love it so much. (You can read my review of Bettermilk here: I think because I have adjusted to Bettermillk, it was difficult for me to go back to something completely different such as the PKU Easy supplements.

Despite it not tasting great, I will say that the PKU Easy supplements, particularly the drinks in the pouches (such as these pictured on the right), are convenient and so much easier to drink on the go as they are ready- made and are also quite small for packing. In this case, I do prefer it to Bettermilk.

Alternatively, you can choose to take your supplement from the small white bottle (pictured below) by mixing a small amount of water with the powder. Again it’s a simple and quick way to take your supplement, but personally I was really not a fan of the taste as it is a very strong, concentrated drink.

So although the PKU Easy supplements weren’t quite right for me, it doesn’t mean that this will be the case for you – please don’t let me put you off! I’d still encourage you to give them a go regardless of my opinion, especially if you’re comfortable with other similar amino acid supplements, because if this is the case then chances are that you will like it.

Give it try and let me know what you think!


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