How to make a vegetable pie with Fate’s All- Purpose Mix

Low- protein vegetable pie
My first recipe post is here! I have been looking forward to starting this up because it means I get to have some fun baking as well as creating some (hopefully) useful content for my lovely readers. What better way to kick off than with an old favourite of mine – low-protein vegetable pie. My wonderful mum has been making this pie for me for many years now. I think this is a great recipe to be aware of because it’s a basic meal idea that will go together with a variety of things and it’s really simple and easy to make. This is something you can have with your Sunday roast, or just chips, peas and gravy. As Christmas is fast approaching, you might even decide to use this recipe as an alternative Christmas dinner if you’re stuck for ideas. It’s also worth noting that you can freeze this pie once it is cooked, making it convenient for meal prepping (a useful meal idea for uni students).

My Mum and I spent Friday morning baking this yummy low- protein pie using Fate’s All- Purpose Mix – I documented the process so that if you like the look of it, you can have a go yourself!

Here are the ingredients we used:
Pie filling – A selection of vegetables (throw in whatever you like)
  • Leeks
  • Button mushrooms
  • Cauliflower
  • Green beans
  •  Shallots
  • Swede
  • Carrots
  • Gravy granules
  • Mixed herbs (optional)
Pie pastry – (you can find this part of the recipe printed on the back of the All- Purpose Mix packet)
  • 250 grams of Fate All – Purpose Mix 
  •  ½ Tsp salt
  •  125 grams of block margarine
  •  60mls of water
  • Extra All- Purpose Mix to roll out the pastry

How to make the vegetable pie:
  1. Gather together your selection of vegetables and prepare them by chopping and peeling, place into a large pan.
  2.  Add some water into the pan, along with the mixed herbs and gravy granules (the amount really depends on how much gravy you would like to be in the pie)
  3. Set the vegetables to boil on a medium heat until soft (we timed for about 30 mins)
  4. Now for the pastry – weigh/ measure out the necessary ingredients
  5. Mix the low-protein flour and salt together in a large bowl, then add in the margarine
  6. Rub the mixture together with your hands until it resembles small breadcrumbs (ensure all of the margarine is mixed in)
  7. Add in the water and mix together until smooth
  8. Sprinkle some of the All-Purpose mix onto your worktop so that you can roll out the pastry
  9.  Divide the pastry into two and roll out a bottom and top part (big enough to fit your pie dish)
  10. Place the bottom part of the pastry into the pie dish
  11. Once your vegetables are ready, place an even layer of them in the pie dish and put the second part of the pastry on top to create the lid. Cut two small slits in the lid to let any air out whilst it is cooking.
  12. We cooked our pie on 190 degrees in the oven for 35- 40 mins (there is no temperature or time specified on the packet so we just referred to an ordinary pie recipe).

Once your pie is done you can cut it up and freeze whatever you like for another day. Plus if you have any leftover vegetables, this works great as a stew with Yorkshire puddings.

Let me know if you found this recipe useful - happy baking!


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