About me

Hey my name is Chloe! 

I'm a 22 year old English grad with PKU, living in South Yorkshire, England.
From birth I was diagnosed with the metabolic condition Phenylketonuria (PKU). For those who are new to this, it basically means that my body is unable to break down large amounts of protein. Although there is no cure for PKU, it is manageable by following a low- protein diet. This was key especially whilst I was growing up and for a long time I followed a strict diet, with a protein allowance of around 8 grams per day. As I grew older, my protein allowance gradually started to increase and when I was 19 I discovered that I only had a mild case of the condition. I am now currently living 'off diet' (I no longer track my protein intake, but I still take my supplements daily). I like to think that after all of these years I am somewhat of a 'PKU pro'!

I started up this blog back in September 2017, with the main intentions of sharing my experiences to be a support system to other people living with PKU and also to raise awareness of this extremely rare condition. However, more recently I have developed my blog further and begun to post reviews of various PKU products and also share recipe ideas!

I also offer a support service -
I want to reach out to young people or parents of children, in particular, who are living with PKU and offer myself as a contact. If you have any questions or would just like a chat with someone who has experienced the same as you then please feel free to contact me using the form at the bottom of my blog.

A few fun facts about me!

  • I am a massive Harry Potter fan
  • I love to travel & all things adventure
  • I'm a bookworm
  • My favourite animal is a llama 


  1. I always thought “off diet” meant eating whatever you want. Am I wrong? It sounds like you still don’t eat foods that are super high in protein! (Like meat)

    I consider myself on diet and I have never weighed my food or tracked my protein intake.

    1. Yeah I generally do eat whatever I like! I don't eat meat or foods that are very high in protein because I don't like the taste of them (after years of not being able to eat those foods, it feels very strange for me to suddenly introduce those into my diet). This is why I still take my protein supplement, so that I'm not missing out on any goodness!


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