An exciting announcement!

Apologies for my long unexplained absence, I feel like it’s been forever since I posted, but a lot has been going on in my personal life. This summer I’ve been travelling around a fair bit; I spent a month in Cornwall in June, then I went to Mallorca, came home for a few weeks and then headed back to Cornwall at the end of August. I’ve also been looking for a new job - I’ve been working at Costa for just over a year and I now feel I’m ready to pursue the career I truly want (keep your fingers crossed for me that things work out)!

I also wanted to update you all in terms of the blog and welcome any new followers - you may have
noticed that I've given the blog a little revamp. I've been writing and building this blog for two years
now and I've finally got it looking how I initially envisioned it. I've got a new name, The PKU Life, I've
designed a logo and I've set up an Instagram page under the same name so if you're a regular user
of the platform please head over and give my page a follow! I'll be posting a few little extra bits on there
that you don't get to see on here, and there is also a direct link to my blog in my bio.

Finally, an exciting announcement - Metabolic Support UK, who I've written a few guest blog posts for
in the past, have invited me to their conference next month to be their reporter for the day. The
conference will be held in Birmingham on Saturday 12th October. If you would like to find out more info
on this event or would like to register to attend, I've left a link to their website at the end of this post
where you can do both of those things.

I'm really looking forward to this event as I sadly wasn't able to attend the PKU conference earlier this
year. I will no doubt be writing up a blog post next month all about my little trip, so watch this space.
If you are attending the Metabolic Support conference, then I will hopefully see you there!

Thank you for all of the continued support of this blog!


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