Recipe: Promin's Mac n Cheese bites

Low- protein Mac n Cheese bites
You may have seen on my Instagram page yesterday that I made some low- protein Mac n Cheese bites from Promin Metabolics. (The team over at Promin kindly gave me a few of these packs when I visited their offices a couple of months back.) Yesterday, I was talking you through this recipe step by step on my Instagram Stories, but just in case you missed it here's the recipe in a written format.

All of the ingredients you need to make the Mac n Cheese bites come in a small packet (except the vegetable oil and water of course) along with a card which has the cooking method printed on it. I think this is a really great idea as it makes it a very simple recipe to follow. It probably took me a bit longer than usual because I was filming in between each step, but I would say that in normal circumstances this is a fairly quick recipe (the longest parts being cooking the pasta and then frying off the bites at the end.

Inside the pack...
Read on to find out how you can have a go at making these

Ingredients included in the pack (pictured on the right):
  • 75 grams of low- protein pasta elbows
  • 30 grams sachet of cheese sauce
  • 50 grams sachet of baking mix
  • Sachet of bread crumbs
Additional things you need:
  • 70 mls of cold water
  • 100 mls of boiling water
  • Vegetable oil
  • Begin by making up the coating batter - whisk the sachet of baking mix with 70 mls of cold water.
  • Next, cook the pasta elbows for approximately 8- 10 minutes, drain them and put to one side.
  • Then to make up the cheese sauce, mix the 30 gram sachet with 100 mls of boiling water.
  • Add the pasta elbows to the cheese sauce and mix in, leave this to cool for 3 minutes.
  • Now for the messy part! Form balls of pasta and cheese sauce (approximately 30 grams each), coat in the batter and roll in the bread crumbs. 
  • Heat the vegetable oil in a sauce pan to 190℃ and deep fry the cheese bites until golden brown
Your Mac n Cheese bites should now be done and ready to eat!

I had a lot of fun following this recipe, but most importantly the Mac n Cheese bites taste great! Let me know if you've tried these and what your thoughts were.

Thank you once again to Promin!

Follow me on my Instagram at the_pku_life for more recipes.


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