Review of Mevalia's new 'Lattis' milk & fresh bread products

When I attended my PKU clinic last week, I had the opportunity to meet with a few brand reps and sample some new products - one of those brands was Mevalia. I have always been a fan of Mevalia's foods. A few years ago, when I was in university, I used to have their low-protein pizza bases fairly often as this was a good alternative for when my flatmates ordered takeaway. I have also had a few of their fresh breads in the past. Anyway, I asked for a few more samples to be sent to me back home. As you may have seen over on my Instagram, these arrived the other day! (If you don't already follow me on Instragram, you can do so here I got one carton of Mevalia's new 'Lattis' milk, one 'mini baguette' and one pack of sliced bread.

I was pretty excited to try their 'Lattis' milk and was not disappointed! It is very sweet tasting, but I would say this isn't unlike any other low- protein milk formula I've tried. It reminded me very much of the milk I used to have as a young child and then into my teens, called 'Duocal' (a powder substance mixed with water). In more recent years, as the circumstances of my diet have changed and just out of convenience, I have began to drink ordinary milk although only in small amounts. In all honesty, I have never fully grown to like it; I usually have it on my cereals in a morning and then occasionally a drop in my tea and that's about it. But I think after sampling 'Lattis' I would happily revert back to having low-protein milk. As well as 'Lattis' tasting great, it's also convenient because it's pre- made in a carton, all you have to do is make sure you keep it refrigerated.

As for the bread products I received, I was (again) very pleased with them! Although, I did expect as much as I have had Mevalia bread in the past and loved it. They are amongst the few products that don't taste that dissimilar to the real thing and actually have some flavour, unlike some of the 'cardboard' type breads I had as a young child. (Low-protein foods have certainly come a long way in the past twenty years)!

Overall, I was very pleased with my Mevalia samples and I would encourage anyone who hasn't yet given them a try, to certainly do so! I will definitely be adding their 'Lattis' milk to my deliveries.

Let me know in the comments or via a direct message if you have tried these and what your thoughts were!


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