Happy 1st birthday to my blog!

Today my blog turns 1 year old! I felt like I needed to write a little something to honour the occasion and to let you know where my thoughts are heading for the future.

I can’t believe that I’ve been on this journey for an entire year already and so I also wanted to use this opportunity to say a huge thank you to everyone for the continued support, for simply taking the time to read whatever I put out here.

My decision to start up this blog was definitely not one I made lightly. For my whole life, up until last September, my PKU was something which I chose to keep private amongst my family and close friends. So to suddenly announce my condition on social media and then to have my writing greeted by such a large amount of support and interest was overwhelming.

As I have now covered the majority of topics involving my past experiences with PKU, I want to alter the focus of my blog slightly to write more on product reviews and perhaps recipe ideas (for both classical and mild PKU patients) whilst continuing to discuss my current dietary situation, so that means keeping you up to date with any major changes to my diet. Also, as I have now finished university this means I can focus all of my free time on my writing – I’m aiming to post more regularly, going from monthly posts to weekly blog posts, every Sunday.

So once again, thank you for following me on this journey and I hope you’ll continue to do so in the future.

Happy reading!


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