Recipe: How to make Fate cupcakes

I finally got round to doing some more baking! This isn’t something that I do that often, as it was usually my Nanna and my Mum who did this for me, so I was really surprised to learn how easy and quick this recipe was to follow. Whether you are wanting a different choice of low - protein pudding, a new fun recipe to try out or if you have a young child who will be attending a birthday party, this recipe is bound to be of some good use.

I have always used Fate’s products for as long as I can remember; I use the All- Purpose Mix for Fate’s bread and for the vegetable pie (link to that recipe here: ) and the Cake Mix for cupcakes/ cakes (it is also available in chocolate flavour!). I have never actually used any other products for these sorts of foods, so I can’t comment on how it compares to others, but I certainly love it!

The recipe I followed is actually printed on the back of the Cake mix packet, along with other various pudding recipes. Here’s what I used and how I ended up with some pretty tasty cupcakes:
  •           1 pack of Fate Cake mix (250grams)
  •        125ml of fresh orange juice (or other fruit juice)
  •       65grams of soft margarine
  1.  Pre- heat the oven to 190oC/ Gas mark 5 and place 12 cupcake cases into a bun tray.
  2. Put the Cake mix into a large mixing bowl and add in the juice and margarine.
  3. Mix all of the ingredients together with a wire whisk for around 1 minute or until smooth.
  4. Separate the mixture into the 12 cupcake cases and place in the oven for 20 mins, until they have risen and browned.
  5. At this point, when you take them out of the oven, it is a good idea to check whether they have cooked all the way through by sticking a knife in the middle of each cupcake.
  6. Take the cupcakes from the tray and place on a wire rack to cool down.
Whilst they are cooling, you can crack on with preparing your toppings.


This is the part I had most fun with - feel free to decorate the tops of your cupcakes however you like! I chose to use buttercream along with hundreds and thousands and some protein- free sweets to finish them off. As this part of the recipe isn’t on the packet, I followed one from BBC Good Food (see link here: But please note I actually halved the amounts in this recipe, because it seemed way too excessive for 12 cupcakes, and it worked out just perfectly.

It really is that simple. If you decide to give this recipe a go yourself, I hope you enjoy.
Happy baking!


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