A solo adventure to Cornwall...

All set and ready to go!
As some of you may know, I am currently away in Cornwall for a month on my own! If you read my blog post from a few months back (https://thepkulife.blogspot.com/2019/03/preparing-for-adventure.html), you will know all about my trip and what I am planning to get up to here. This post is a follow- on from that initial one and just a little update on how I am finding it so far.

I have been in Cornwall for just over a week now (it's flying by already) and I am absolutely loving it! Despite the weather not showing me it's best side, I am trying to make the most of it even if this means sometimes sitting in cafes to shelter from the downpour - I am just grateful to be here.

Turning back to the 1st of June then - my journey down on the train was an extremely long one, but it couldn't have ran more smoothly. When I finally did arrive in Perranporth to check-in, my boxes of supplement were already here waiting for me. I mentioned in my other blog post that I was looking into getting my supplement delivered down to Cornwall separately because it would have been so impractical for me to take it on the train. It did take a lot of careful planning from both my Mum and I (we had a lot of phone calls to make and I even called Healthnet a few days before my trip to double check it had been delivered), but I'm pleased to say it was a complete success! If you are heading on holiday this summer, you will no doubt face similar issues (transporting supplements and low-protein foods can be such a hassle), but there are always ways to make it easier for you - I would definitely recommend speaking to your doctor or dietitian to see what can be done.

You may have seen on my Facebook page that I wrote a blog post for Metabolic Support UK on this little adventure and how I prepared myself for it - I'm going to leave a link to it here (https://www.metabolicsupportuk.org/guest-blog-chloes-cornwall-adventure-preparing-for-an-adventure-with-an-imd/), so you can have a quick look if you like.


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