A little update: where I've been, iron deficiency & PKU clinic

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

Let me start off by wishing you all a (very) belated Happy new year! I realise I've been absent from here for quite a while now, I won't try and make excuses - in all honesty I had a bit of loss in motivation! However, it's a brand new year and I'm hoping to get back on the blogging bandwagon again.

Last week I attended my annual hospital check- up and PKU clinic at Northern General Hospital in Sheffield. It was great to to have a catch up with my dietitian and doctor, as it seemed it was long overdue. (Side note: If you follow me on Twitter, you may have seen me post back in November something about discovering my iron levels being extremely low - I was very low in energy, always had headaches and easily became dizzy and short of breath. I've been on medication since then, but it was good to have a chat with my dietitian to see how I could boost my iron through my diet). We also discussed the possibility of increasing my supplement amount from two to three a day, as this will give me the extra iron that I need. 

(I am curious to know whether anyone else with PKU has ever experienced low iron levels? If so, please let me know in the comments/ through a private message!)

I also got the chance to speak with some of the low- protein brand reps, from Mevalia, Nutricia and Cambrooke etc and to sample some of their new products. I asked for some more samples to be sent to me at home, so keep an eye out for reviews of those which will hopefully be coming soon!


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