Protein substitute in tablet form?! 'Microtabs' review...

I have seen online recently that quite a few people have now received their samples of Galen's new Microtabs and I, too, received mine last week!

After meeting a Galen representative at my PKU clinic last month and sampling a small amount of their Microtabs for the first time, I couldn't wait till I had my own batch at home to try properly.

In case you haven't yet heard about Microtabs though, here is a little bit of info about them:
  • They are packaged in a small bottle and come with 2 small containers for carrying them around (pictured on the right)
  • The tablets themselves are absolutely minute 
  • 1 capful (the white lid of the bottle) is equivalent to 10 grams of protein  
Let me begin by saying that I think Microtabs are brilliant. PKU research and our products have come a long way in my lifetime, at the very least, (and I'm only 22). The last time we saw something similar to this was Cambrooke's Glytactin Complete bars (read my review of these here: - it makes me even more hopeful for the future. The fact that we can now have our protein substitutes in tablet form is so exciting and solves a few of the main issues you have no doubt experienced or are currently experiencing...

Firstly, Microtabs leave no horrible aftertaste or smell on your breath

When I first discovered this fact, honestly I was instantly sold. I'm sure many of you will be able to relate, but the taste and smell of my PKU supplement has always been a struggle. Over the years I've tried a variety of liquid formulas and the taste has never been pleasant, only at least tolerable. The smell was another issue and made me extremely self- conscious of taking my supplement in public or at social events. I vividly remember one particular time as a young child when I was at my dance class where another girl made a comment about how badly my supplement smelt (just a small comment, nonetheless it is something that has stuck with me all this time). So, to now have the option to take a PKU supplement which eliminates both the horrid taste and smell, feels like a huge relief to me.

Secondly, they are not as filling as other liquid formulas

Another issue I constantly face with taking my liquid formula is that, most of the time, I am too full up after meals and struggle to drink it. However with Microtabs this isn't really a problem. As I mentioned earlier, the tablets themselves are minute in size and although you may have to take a large amount of them, it's a fairly quick and easy process.

Thirdly, they are very convenient for travelling

If you are not already convinced by now, then the size and packaging of Microtabs is also another brilliant factor to add into the equation. They are great for carrying around with you on your daily commute to work or school, as they are small and lightweight. But Microtabs are also convenient for travelling a bit further afield with. I would definitely feel more comfortable taking these on flights abroad as opposed to taking a liquid or powder formula, because not only would it save space in my suitcase but I think there would be less hassle at customs due to them being tablets. However, I could be wrong! (It's always a good idea to get a letter from your dietitian or doctor to cover you when travelling overseas).

Overall, if you couldn't already tell, I think that Microtabs are great. It's fantastic that we now have the very option of taking tablet formula.
Always check with your dietitian or doctor before making any supplement changes.
Let me know in the comments or direct message if you have tried Microtabs and what you thought to them!


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