Promin fresh breads review

Promin fresh white loaf
The lovely people over at Promin recently sent me some of their fresh bread products to try out - a fresh white loaf, a brown bread loaf and a pack of buns. Read on to find out what my thoughts were...

Let me start off by saying that Promin's breads tick all of the boxes in the aesthetic category - what I mean by this is that if you're wanting a low- protein bread product which doesn't look that dissimilar from actual bread then search no further. I realise that some people might feel indifferent to how their low- protein food looks (food is just for eating after all), but personally this makes all the difference as to whether I'm prepared to eat it in public or at events etc. Unfortunately, having PKU has turned me into a very self- conscious person (I doubt I am alone here) and, although I am getting slightly better at this, most of the time I would much prefer to blend into a crowd of people rather than stand out as being different. As a young child and then a teenager with PKU, there is nothing more I hated than people asking questions about my food and in particular pointing out 'why it looked so odd?'. However, to have more and more products become available that are looking alike to the real thing is great news!

Sandwich made with Promin fresh buns
It's all good and well these breads looking great, but the real question we need to be asking is do they also taste great? The answer is, yes they absolutely do! I have tried so many different low- protein bread products over the past twenty years or so and unfortunately not all were as great as these. I particularly remember the bread I had as a young child (before my parents began baking my bread); it had a very unpleasant rubbery and 'cardboard' like taste to it. However, I am pleased to say that these Promin breads are not at all like that and are very soft tasting, again not that dissimilar to actual bread!

As pictured over on the right, is a sandwich I made using one of Promin's fresh buns which was very tasty. (If you follow my Instagram page, you probably already saw me post about this the other day - find me on the platform at the_pku_life)!

Another reason why I love these fresh breads is because they are conveniently pre- made and packaged just like ordinary bread you would buy from the supermarket. This makes them easy to grab if you need to quickly make a sandwich, meaning they are well suited to people who have hectic lifestyles and perhaps don't have enough time to bake a loaf from scratch.

Toast with Promin brown bread
The brown loaf also works great as toast (pictured on the right). I tried it with butter and orange marmalade!

Let me know in the comments below if you have tried any of Promin's fresh breads and which are your favourites!

Thank you again to Promin for sending me these breads to try.


  1. My granddaughter has PKU. She is 8 yrs old. She has been getting Promin fresh white bread for over a year now and absolutely Loves it. Love's it toasted with butter or jam or nutella and her all time favourite is cheese toasties. (Violife cheese)

    1. That is great to hear, thank you for sharing! They really are very tasty! :)


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