Recipe: Fate Chocolate & Banana loaf

Low protein chocolate & banana loaf
What better way to spend lock down than baking something delicious? Not only is it a fun way to help pass the time, but you can then enjoy eating whatever you just baked - a win- win in my opinion!

Yesterday I was rummaging the kitchen cupboards and I found a pack of Fate's chocolate cake mix - the recipe for the Chocolate and banana loaf is on the back of the packet. This recipe is honestly so quick and easy to follow (it only took me around 10 minutes to make up the mixture), it turned out I had everything I needed already at home (we are trying to avoid the supermarket where possible right now). If you follow me over on Instagram you may have seen the video I posted of me baking this yummy loaf! (You can find me at the_pku_life if you're curious). In this post I'm going to run you through the recipe so that you can have a go at this yourself!

All the ingredients you need!
  • 1 pack of Fate's chocolate flavour cake mix (250 grams)
  • Soft margarine (65 grams)
  • 1 large banana (around 125 grams)
  • Water (125 mls)
  • Firstly, preheat your oven to Gas 5/ 190℃/ 375℉
  • Begin by slicing up the banana and lightly crush with a fork (don't mash too finely)
  • Put the Fate chocolate cake mix into a mixing bowl
  • Once you have weighed the soft margarine and measured out the water, add these into the bowl along with the banana
  • Mix these ingredients quickly with a wire whisk for 1 minute (don't worry if you can see bits of banana as it will add texture to the loaf!)
  • Grease a 1kg loaf tin and pour in the mixture
  • Bake in the oven for 35- 40 minutes, until the loaf is risen and firm (don't forget to check it's cooked all the way through by pushing a skewer/ knife in the middle - it should come out clean)
  • Turn the loaf onto a wire rack to cool 
That is pretty much it - all that's left to do is enjoy the loaf! It can be eaten warm or cold.
I really love how simple this recipe is to follow! I think it would be a great one to try with younger children who have PKU (especially if they are bored during isolation).

Finally, I would also like to add that this recipe isn't my own, but is actually Eileen Green's. If you visit the Fate website you will find lots of other great recipes devised by Eileen!
The link is here for those who are interested:

Happy baking!


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