Things to do in isolation (with family or alone)

I realise people are probably sick of hearing about Coronavirus by now (I know I am). But it's very important to acknowledge that these are difficult times for everyone and try our best to help one another through this - whether that's helping out an elderly neighbour or checking up on a friend with a quick text message. I have seen that a few people have been sharing ideas online for ways you can keep yourself busy during this lock down period, so I thought I would put mine out there too to hopefully be of some help.

I am lucky enough to be in lock down with my family - I live with my Mum, Stepdad and brother. My Stepdad is a key worker, so he is the only one leaving the house right now either for work or to brave the supermarket. When he is at home though, I am grateful that we are able to spend all of this extra time as a family - playing board games, watching films or simply being in each other's company. This post will include ideas that you can use as a family, but there will also be ideas for people who are in lock down alone.

Here are some great ways to pass the time, take your mind off your anxieties and have some fun!

Ideas for families:

Board games - 
My family and I are a bunch of board game nerds (we've got quite a collection)! But we only usually get the time to play during the Christmas or Easter holidays as our lives are always hectic, so I feel very grateful for the time we now have. We've got quick fire dice or card games and board games that can last for hours at a time. A game we've been really enjoying and playing a lot of recently is a card game called Sushi Go. I'll attempt to briefly summarise the game - There are different types of cards (types of sushi) all worth a various number of points. Each player starts with a hand of 8 cards, chooses a card to keep and passes their remaining cards onto the next player. The game continues to move like this in a clockwise direction until every player has no more cards to pass on. There are 3 rounds of this in total; at the end of each round count up how many points each player earned. The player with the most points at the end of all 3 rounds is the winner.
It's available on Amazon here for £12.99 for those interested:
If you are lacking in board games, there will be a large majority available to buy online at Amazon or eBay (just keep in mind Covid- 19 might effect delivery services). A few other fun board games to try out are; Monopoly, Risk, Zombie Dice, Ticket to Ride or Coup! (Links to these others are at the end of this post).

Watch family films - (no reason to stop you doing this on your own too!)
Here's what we've been watching recently:
  • Mortal Engines
  • Christopher Robin
  • Alice Through the Looking Glass
Baking - (also something to do on your own)
My brother and I really enjoy baking together sometimes and it's a great way to pass the time. Although keep in mind that flour is very difficult to get hold of currently!

A dream catcher I made
Ideas for yourself:
  • Read a new book
  • De- clutter and organise your bedroom/ house
  • Watch a film/ TV series you've always wanted to see
  • Do arts & crafts (scrapbooking, sewing, painting, etc)
  • Baking
  • Plan an exciting trip to take when this is all over
I hope this post has been helpful in some way or other, perhaps it has inspired you or given you some new ideas to make lock down as bearable as possible. Let me know if you would like to see more specific recommendations such as books or TV series to binge.

Wherever you are in the world right now, I hope you are well and safe. Look after yourself, your family and friends. We'll get through this soon.

Sending love x

Links to board games:

Zombie Dice:
Ticket to Ride:


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