I went to meet with Promin Metabolics...

The Promin bakery
A couple of weeks ago, before the Coronavirus outbreak became seriously scary and confined the majority of us to our homes, I travelled to Stockport to meet up with the team over at Promin Metabolics!

Some of you may be aware that I've recently reviewed a few of Promin's fresh bread products on my blog, a fresh white loaf, brown loaf and buns (you can read the review here if you haven't already: https://thepkulife.blogspot.com/2020/03/promin-fresh-breads-review.html).

During my visit I met the team and had a good chat with them about my PKU experience, my blog and about Promin itself; it was really interesting to discover more about a company who I relied on for so many years of my childhood and certainly inspiring to learn how a family run business has grown to be so successful. I was also lucky enough to have a little tour of the place - I saw the bakery (pictured above) where the breads are made and I also saw where the pasta is made, which were both amazing to see! It was interesting to find out that all of Promin's products are manufactured, packaged and distributed from the same building. Whilst there, it became clear to me just how much work actually goes on behind the scenes to ensure the PKU community get their essential low- protein foods.

There will be more reviews of Promin's products coming to the blog soon, so keep a look out for those. In the meantime I hope everyone is staying healthy and caring for loved ones in these challenging times.

Thank you again to the Promin team for having me!


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