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Recipe: Promin's Mac n Cheese bites

Low- protein Mac n Cheese bites You may have seen on my Instagram page yesterday that I made some low- protein Mac n Cheese bites from Promin Metabolics. (The team over at Promin kindly gave me a few of these packs when I visited their offices a couple of months back.) Yesterday, I was talking you through this recipe step by step on my Instagram Stories, but just in case you missed it here's the recipe in a written format. All of the ingredients you need to make the Mac n Cheese bites come in a small packet (except the vegetable oil and water of course) along with a card which has the cooking method printed on it. I think this is a really great idea as it makes it a very simple recipe to follow. It probably took me a bit longer than usual because I was filming in between each step, but I would say that in normal circumstances this is a fairly quick recipe (the longest parts being cooking the pasta and then frying off the bites at the end. Inside the pack... Read on to

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